Friday, April 10, 2009

"Chaos for me breeds images"

"I believe in a deeply ordered chaos."

"My painting is not violent; it’s life that is violent.

"It (painting) can be as violent as fucking, like an orgasm or an ejaculation. The result is often disappointing, but the process is highly exciting."

Even within the most beautiful landscape, in the trees, under the leaves the insects are eating each other; violence is a part of life."

I often imagine that the accident that made man into the animal he has become also happened to other animals—lions or hyenas for example—while man remained a primate. What would have happened? It’s bizarre, I have never read anything about it, by Darwin or anyone else. Perhaps it’s science fiction, but it’s very interesting. I imagine men hanging in butcher’s shops for hyenas, who would be dressed in fur coats. The men would be hung by their feet, or cut up for stew or kebabs."

We are born with a scream; we come into life with a scream, and maybe love is a mosquito net between the fear of living and the fear of death."

"You see, painting has now become, or all art has now become completely a game, by which man distracts himself. What is fascinating actually is, that it's going to become much more difficult for the artist, because he must really deepen the game to become any good at all."

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